Monday, December 22, 2008

IT'S A BOY!!!!!

We have him!!
Oh my, what a day.
We woke early of course, had breakfast, a walked around the island for a couple of hours. We switched hotels because the room we were in was just terribly too small for the four of us, which works out so much better because we have extra beds and a computer in our room....AWESOME!!
We left our hotel at 2:00 for the Civil Affairs Office where we were to meet our son. It only took us about 15 minutes to get there and about 5 minutes after that...they walked him in the room. He was calm at first but very standoffish. I tired to talk to him and give him some suckers and a stuffed monkey, still very standoffish....then all the tears just let loose. Poor baby, it was such a site to feel your heart ache for this little thing that cannot understand anything that you are saying. The nannies were good at trying to explain things to him but he was just having nothing to do with any of us. We all thought for sure that he would like Sydney at least right off...but Bou Yau!!! was all he kept saying over and over threw the tears and then let into a full tantrum. All I kept thinking was let it out baby. I kept looking at Keith as if he could fix it.....I only cried one tear and was so strong....Keith just kept saying, "Shelley everything will be alright". The nannies continued to fill us in on all of his information threw all the screaming. There were two others there with us - one at 17 months old was perfect and fell asleep as soon as they handed her to her mommy - the second was all smiles and very huggy - and then Asher, which I just know the other two couples were thanking God he wasn't theirs. Our guide told us there are usually three reactions, one happy - one quiet and comatosed - one mad as a hornet...Asher. (Machelle, your message could not have come at a better time....those were the perfect words we needed right before our meeting.)
I can't say I blame the little guy....that place was nuts and so loud and so confusing....I would have probably been the same.
Our guide sent off the nannies and then came back in and stood Asher up and told him that we were all going to be ok and that we were going to the hotel and she told him to take her hand and Sydney's hands and he did just as he was told. Then she walked forward and he totally stopped crying! Then two steps later handed me his hand and he looked at me as if to say alright like it or not I'm stuck with you so we may as well make the best of it. We loaded on the bus with the three of us still holding hands and all sat together and then I asked him if he was hungry and he shook his head yes and I gave him some animal crackers which were gone 2 minutes later and he was at peace. Amazing...don't say it, I tired to give the silly cookies several times before but Bou Yau!!!! NO NO.
By the way my Mandarin in the past 8 hours has grown immensely...I think I am freaking Keith and Sydney out by how much I am able to converse with him right now. They both just look at me and say what did you just say to him. Everything that I say to him, he repeats, it is very cute. I am thinking that he is very smart and very interested in things.
So, 15 minutes later we are back at the hotel and he is still willing to hold our hands. It is amazing to realize how isolated these poor kids are from the outside world. He just looks at everything with brand new eyes, knowing that it is the first time he has ever seen everything around him. We go ahead up to our room with orders to just work on bonding and get some dinner at some time and to call if we need any help translating. We go to the room and he is ok for 2 minutes then we overload him with toys of course and he starts to spaz again.....he just does not like change or new things at all. So, I remember that we brought a beach ball and I start blowing it up as fast as I can and is enough to distract him while Sydney grabs the gameboy...and then just like that all is well. He still remains a little reserved with his possessions and will not take his coat off or let his bag go at all. But that is ok. I do not know how these little kids don't sufficate, they are dressed with three layers on plus a coat....I was about ready to hyperventilate and they are comfortable, something else.
After helping him play with the gameboy for a few minutes we have him smiling and a totally different child. After playing for a couple hours we decide to venture out to dinner at a very relaxed local place which we ran into one of the other couples that we went with today (the very smiley huggy child, very sweet). They kept commenting on how they could not believe that is was the same child...he was so bubbly and alive and happy. He just kept smiling from ear to ear and laughing. It was a true blessing to be there in that moment. It is clear to say that he is all boy. He ate and ate.....I just wonder if they even fed him today at all. He tried several new things and loved them all, I don't think I have to worry about a picky eater with him. Anyway, I am pretty sure that he is a mommy's boy so far, tee hee. We head back to the hotel and he is just a bucket of laughs and ornery as can be....already picking on Syd, which she has been amazing through this whole day. When we were at the Civil Affairs Office and Asher was having his fit, I looked at her and told her how much I love her and she looked so pale like she was about to throw up...I am sure this is not how she pictured today although we tried to prepare her for the worst.
By the end of the day back at the hotel, he was thrilled to take a bath, brush his teeth, and put him to bed with little effort other than kicking Sydney in bed to tease her and just laughing... It is already predicted that he is a bit rotten and a real corker. He is also very organized and particular about where things go, loves the water and washing his hands, and totally reads us as push overs, which we probably are for now at least. He absolutely loves electronics, typical boy and used the cell phone for the first time to tell his Nai Nai Hello and that he loves her....too precious.
He is hugging us and snuggling. My mind is at ease. I am so pleased and happy with this day, God is good. We are in love and I think he knows it. Can't wait to get him home.


mikeanddeb said...


Love you!


grandma said...

Thank you GOD for this great blessing. His pictures are beautiful and happy. Can't wait to hug him. One step at a time, one day at a time, and all will be well with God leading the way.

Anonymous said...

We couldnt be happier for you! You have exactly the right attitude, just like grandma said in her post, one step at a time.

Roger, Libbi, Devon & Emily

Angela Clinton said...

Congratulations we are so excited for you! We can't wait to meet your new addition. We will see you in a few days. Warmer weath er yea! FYI the day we flew out was a record breaking day coldest in 57 years.
Souch a blessing we have our children.
God Bless you,
Mark, Angie and Chloe Clinton

mikeanddeb said...

Good morning!

Deb sings "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
We rejoice with you.


Mike and Deb

Jill said...

WOW! Happy gotcha day!! Enjoy your precious new son!