Sunday, December 21, 2008

Almost Time by Big Sis - Sydney

It's almost time to leave!!!! It is 1:00 and we leave at 2:00...... 1 HOUR!!!! We were walking around wasting time and we walk into a little shop...... and what do we see? A Christian!!!! The store we walked into was a Chinese shop and the owner just happened to be a Christian. Pretty cool, right!! Soooooo she told us that she did not know Christ until some Americans came and told her about the Bible, she studied the Bible for 3 or 4 years. Now she is telling other Chinese people about God. Awesome!!!!! We are going to meet her at church on Christmas Eve.
Mom was just pacing saying, "Is it time to go yet?". Dad looked at me and said, "Time is going to go fast, right Squeak?" (Squeak is my nickname) We have packed a bag for Asher with some toys, some candy, and things like that. I can't wait to see him and the look on his face. I hope he likes us but, he'll catch on to us soon. There is a really cool park around the corner from the hotel that I have been waiting to go to, but my dad says that we will be here for several days and will go as soon as we can ALL go together. I CAN'T WAIT TO PUSH HIM ON THE SWINGS (IF THEY HAVE ANY) Talk to ya soon! 30 minutes til we leave!!!! hehehe!


Christi and Abbey said...

oh so sweet! already teary eyed. There are several christians on shamian island and one of the shops has handmade items to support the orphanages. It's called a Gift from China. Here's their site:
So happy for Sydney, Asher, and you all!

Jill said...

Sooo excited for you all!