Friday, December 26, 2008

A change of scenery

Good morning to you all in the good ole USA!!!
We are getting ready for bed right now and after tonight only have six more sleeps until we board that jet plane bound for home. Oh, how sweet the sound.
Today we met with our guide and she took us to this wonderful huge park that has a huge kids play area, a beautiful lake, gorgeous flowers everywhere, and loads of people. There had to be a few hundred people gathered in different areas doing their morning exercises....Thai chi, sword dancing, fan Thai chi, hacky sack, badmitton, dancing, and singing. It was truly a site. Most all the people there were older retirees either on their own or caring for their grandchildren. It is custom here that the grandparents care for the children while the parents work to support the family. It was very beautiful to see how dedicated they are to commune with each other every morning. There were many people that were eager to greet us and tell us that they thought we were great for helping to care for the children of China. It was heart warming, we tried to explain that our hearts were filled to be given the privilege and that the children were just as much of a blessing to us as we were to them.
We spent quite some time at the park playing with the children....they were so happy to be let loose to run. We have been in an atmosphere since we received Asher where there have been several cars and alot of other people, so the open space in the children's area was great. There were only about 5 other kids on the playground, the others were in the adult areas. Asher and Sydney ran and ran and ran. I don't think they were on one piece of equipment for more than 1 minute at a time....they covered some major ground. We were able to get some pretty cute pictures.
After the park, we were taken for the biggest treat ever!!!! McDonald's, first time since we left the USA. It had never tasted so good. The hamburgers tasted like actual hamburgers and the french fries like was so totally awesome!!! Asher did pretty good with his meal.
For dinner we visited a Thai restaurant where they serve the chickens head right on the plate with your dinner....yeah, nice right. Well Keith and Asher were in their glory. I actually had to pack up and wait for Keith to meet me a few minutes later because I could just not stomach it anymore. I think I have had my fill of exotic food for the rest of my lifetime.
Today was perfect weather. Just out right beautiful. We had a wonderful day together.
Thank you all for hanging in here with us and sending us your comments. We look forward to getting them everyday. If you would like to send us any private emails to fill us in on any new info please feel free at We would really enjoy being caught up on the happenings at home. Love you all and talk to you soon. God Bless!!


Stacy said...

I'm so glad you had a great day. I know how Sydney can run, it sounds like you guys two that like to run. It was a busy day at my house for Christmas but you guys where in my heart and my prayers. Thank you for sharing your pictures and your time in china. I can't wait to see you guys.

mikeanddeb said...

We had a nice CHRISTmas!

But like Stacy said in her comment, you all were in our thoughts and prayers.

Countdown the nights. You'll be home soon.

We love you!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Mike and Deb

Tim/Leah said...

Each day is a day closer.Our hearts are with you.McDonalds will have a whole new meaning now.Haha. Looking forward to seeing you all the Sunday after you get back.

Anonymous said...

I havent been on in a couple of days, Christmas rush and all! Im all caught up now and am glad to see that your day went so well. Its true that God gives us a break and time to take a breath just when we need it so we can be ready for whatever is yet to come. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us, it must be hard finding the time to write it all down. My girls love seeing the pictures of you guys, Asher even looks ornery!! Miss you and cant wait to see you!

Libbi, Roger, Devon & Emily

Machelle said...

Looks like the playground was tons of fun!! Just what the kids needed-space to run. Asher looks like he has always been a part of your family. Oh, Shelley, I too, got sick of seeing "exotic" food. I sure don't miss that! But Ray misses it. That is so funny. Next time we go out to eat together, we will take the guys to a fish place that serves the fish with the heads still on, NOT. Love Ya, can't wait to see ya!

jb said...

Glad to see you all having a good time.Can't wait to see you and meet Asher,won't be long now.Prayin for ya daily,God Bless. All my love, J.B.

TiffanyG said...

I've never done anything on a blog before so I hope that this reaches you. I hadn't had a chance to get on here, but I wanted to send this to let you know that Shawn and I are praying for you all. I am so excited for you! I'm glad to see that things are going well for the most part and I love all of the pictures. He's precious. It's awesome that you all have had the opportunity to experience China. I would love to go there someday. We miss you and can't wait for you to return!!

mikeanddeb said...

Sunday afternoon.
Watching Steelers beat Browns!!!!!!!!!

A day closer to your arrival home.

Hope and pray everything is going well for you today.

Love you!xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Mike and Deb